Friday, November 2, 2012

How To Set Up The Tank for Guppy Fish Breeding

It is not enough for having just a tank and pairs of male and female guppies in breeding. There are a lot of factors to consider for a successful guppy fish breeding. Here are the things you need to check:

  • Water Temperature
  • Nitrogen Cycle
  • Ambient Place to Mate
Water Temperature
Once you have chosen the best pairs or trios among your guppy fish, you may need to set up the tank in a condition favorable for mating. Remember that guppies are tropical freshwater fish, so it is best to have a tropical water temperature. The favorable water temperature for guppy fish breeding would be around 74 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit or 23 to 25 degrees Celsius. If you are leaving in the tropics, you may just leave it on a room temperature.
Nitrogen Cycle
Females will ovulate easily in a pleasant water condition. And what adds on a good water condition are the Nitrogen levels in the water. There are no chemicals that would create a good Nitrogen Cycle available on the market. The Nitrogen Cycle in a tank is produced when Nitrogen becomes a byproduct of ammonia processed by the nitrifying bacteria. The waste products on the tank will be consumed naturally by these nitrifying bacteria hence producing Nitrogen on water which is healthy for your pet fish.

It is best NOT to put mating pairs of guppies in a new tank. You may leave the tank for a week, for it to have a sufficient Nitrogen Cycle. Also having an under gravel filter will let the nitrifying bacteria have a habitat. This would be the place where tank waste products and ammonia be eaten by this nitrifying bacteria which in return releases Nitrogen and promote a good Nitrogen Cycle on your tank.

Ambient Place to Mate
Just like any other creatures, there is always a mating place. In order for the chosen pair to have mutual relationship with each other, they should be separated from the rest of the group. You may only as little as a 5 gallon aquarium for a pair or trio. Most important is to have the tank or the pond to be a darker environment. Do not put lighting on the tank as this will stress the fish.

Once these conditions are met, leave the pair for a few weeks until you see the gravid spot on the females.

How Careful Guppy Fish Breeding Would Reap Rewards

Among all the freshwater aquarium fish and live bearer fish, the guppy fish is the most easiest to breed. It is also one of the most popular live bearer pet fish found in beginner hobbyist’s aquariums. I have been a guppy fish hobbyist for almost 5 years now. I remember I have bought a 4 pairs of guppy fish in a pet store a long time ago, I didn’t know what to look for, I just look at the colors as well as their fins and put them all in a pond. Luckily after several months without giving full attention to the my guppy fishes, it multiply but I noticed they have a dull body color except for their tails and fins, and mostly half of them have bent bodies. This is what I get on not having enough knowledge on guppy fish breeding.

After several trials-an-errors and an ample knowledge of guppy fish breeding from online research and the EBooks (Breeding Guppy Fish and Freshwater Aquarium Secrets) that I read, I earn my rewards not only monetarily but also the feeling of satisfaction and tranquility. I took out my fancy guppy fishes in my pond and place it on a 15-gallon tank and add aquarium light as well as aquarium paraphernalia. Once I turn on the aquarium light for the first time, I was mesmerized and had to take a seat and watch my beautiful fish guppy fishes in delight for about an hour or two.

Please check the video I capture on my phone with my guppy fishes on a 15-gallon tank.

How To Have The Best Guppy Fish for Breeding

If you are in to a just breeding a pet fish, everything is very simple. Just buy a pair of pet fish on your local fish store and leave the pair on your tank and nature will just do its thing. But if you are really serious in having the best and finest pet fishes, you need to have extra effort as well as sound knowledge in doing the process.
I bumped into a complete guide for guppy fish breeding online  and it gives me information about what to look on for the best males and females for breeding. I simply followed the simple procedures on the e-book and after a few months when the fries were born, it looks like I hit a bull’s eye. The guppy fries sold a lot. I even sold it for $50 (US) for a trio.  You may check it here: Breeding Guppy Fish.

Here are the things to look into:


You cannot get all the qualities in one guppy fish, it may take several generations of doing selective breeding to have one that stands up. Guppy fish breeding takes time and may need a lot of patience. Decide first if you are into color, size or physique you want to develop. Having the best guppy fish for breeding does not only happen in one gestation. It may take several generations from different parents to have the best pairs.

Selecting the best guppy fish pairs for breeding.

Once you decided to breed your pet guppy, I would suggest not buying from fish stores. What you get on those stores is the culled quality. I would personally suggest go on your local online networking community and search for hobbyist or try to visit for hobbyist in your neighborhood. Once, you get the best quality guppies; buy a dozen pairs to ensure there is a higher rate of breeding in case one or two dies. Then, buy again from another hobbyist. This should ensure you that you will not have all the off springs from inbreed strains. Inbreed strains means a guppy fish have a blood line from a mother and father that are on the same family. Inbreed strains have a weak immune system and may not reach their expected life spans.